Shelter Their Stories

Dear Friends,

Kentucky is a place where we know that neighbors need and assist their neighbors. This tradition has never been more true than now and WhoWeLostKY would like to share our virtual space to help.

Though this site began as a safe place to remember those we’ve lost to the pandemic, we are expanding our scope to be an inclusive home for all our stories of devastating loss.

In addition to your loved ones, we understand that many of you have lost your homes and businesses, your favorite places, and those important spots that have personal meaning. When you’re ready, it can be comforting to write about who and what has been lost. So please know this: We promise that in the midst of the mourning, the clean-up, the relocating, and the rebuilding, our website will always stay a safe refuge free from politics, comments, judgments, and toxicity.

We’re here for you. WhoWeLostKY is now and forever a shelter for all our stories. So, let’s write. 

The WhoWeLost Project